Oh how I have missed... everything!! Let's make this quick so we can get back to the magic...
I wrapped up my summer in Philadelphia. It was fabulous. Good friends. Good lessons. Good memories.
Of course it was a quick jump into my next endeavor... moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a new job. I got the job a few weeks before my summer role was done. I honestly couldn't have hand-picked a better job for me. I'm sad to no longer be a resident of New Mexico but fortunately I'm not too far away & already have several trips back to the Land of Enchantment planned. I am however, incredibly excited about my new job!
I'm the newest team member to Teach For America Tulsa! As an M,TLD (Manager, Teacher Leadership Development) I get to work with 1st and 2nd year teachers to ensure that they reach the ambitious goals they have set for their students. Most of the teachers I support teach pre-k. Although I'm not physically in the classroom anymore my work is influencing 26 classrooms as I support 26 teachers. It's an integral part of the movement I have been so closely attached to and grounded in. I'm incredibly humbled to continue my involvement with Teach For America and impact a new community which I know will feel like "home" in no time at all.

Moving not only brings a new role but a new abode. I've moved into a dreamy little loft & I am giving another attempt to living alone (tried this in fall of 2009 and it was quite lonely). I've worked my toosh off for about a week making this place cozy & practical and I have lots of pictures to prove for it (hold your horses for another post!). I'm working on a panoramic scan and detailed photos for a future blog, check back lovebirds.
(Mike wasn't given the best explanation for how the iPhone Pocket-Photobooth works...)
A new place brings new amigos & amigas too. I not only met great people in Philadelphia (who I was sad to leave) but have quickly made some great friends here in Tulsa (like Mike from above). I just keep getting blessed with the most incredible spirits in my life. I like to believe that you are what you attract, though I know most of the people I encounter are more of who I strive to be than who I actually am.
What else is great?
Hipstamatic App for the iPhone- The iPhone camera options & apps are about 89% of the reason why I switched over to the iPhone.
A beautiful blog by non other than a beautiful newlywed (
Wedding CheeseCake)- Mrs. Prince (how lucky is she?!) is a fabulous woman with taste that exceeds all of my expectations. I've now added "have a wedding beautiful enough for Wedding CheeseCake" to my bucket-list and will commit to striving for nothing short of.
I'm obsessed with this brilliant
6-drawer chest from IKEA. Could there be any piece of furniture more perfect?
Cleansing away my bad summer habits (daily large caramel latte with sugar & whip?!!) with the
Hearbalife 21-Day Cleansing Program. I feel semi-human again.... now I just need to get my paws to a gym.
The decision not to install cable. I thought I needed it, eh, I don't. With the collection of books, music, art supplies, GameBoys & DVDs I have plenty enough to entertain myself with. This will be my 6th year without cable.
My delicious smelling home attributed by my
all-time favorite candle ever from Anthropologie. I have a total of 6 around my teeny home (& these candles are massive). Deep breath..... ahh.
Listening to Jewel
0304 it's been so long, I've forgotten how much I love this album. Not having internet & Pandora (or being too lazy to play it from my phone) has forced me to dig up the iTunes archives & I'm quite fond of the results.
Thank you all for being faithful & patient as I transitioned from one endeavor to the next. For some of you this blog has served as a window to the ever-evolving Brittany. Your spirits & energy fuel me. I adore all of you to pieces. Thank you for giving me a reason to be here now.
Cheers to a new chapter and faithful friends who'll join me,