
happy monday [ i & i ]


It's almost September, which means it's almost fall! In celebration of a new month and season upon us set some time this week to write your September goals. What do you want to accomplish? What will you have learned? How will you have pampered yourself? How will you ensure that you had fun and made the most of it?

A sneak peak at what I'm including on my goals:
  • Re-connect with someone. 
  • Go running before work/in the am 5 days a week. Increase distance and time using iPhone app.
  • Build a pillow fort and read The Hunger Games
  • Begin to become an expert at something...
  • Write in my gratitude journal
sleep, sing & slumber,


New Mexican Love Letter

Dear New Mexico,

Oh how I love thee, have I told you lately?

Although my toes cannot sink into your red sand, my lungs cannot fill with your warm air, and my eyes cannot be privileged with your breathtaking landscape my heart is still in sync with all that you have given me. Every morning I wake with warm gratitude for who I am and where I've been. Although I am not there, I am still a relentless servant to you.

I advocate for you daily by ensuring every individual I encounter leaves with a more enlightened perspective of you. I sing your praises and educate others on your gifts. I speak of your people, landscape, culture, and cuisine with more enthusiasm, passion, and respect than one could possibly imagine. I feel it would be far too selfish of me not to share The Land of Enchantment and it's bountiful goods with those less fortunate to know.

I act only as myself and no one else because I am incredibly proud of who I have been molded into thanks to your presence in my life. By this I hope to make others more comfortable with being themselves as well. I would not be who I am if it weren't for you and I promise I'm the proudest New Mexican anyone ever knew.

I operate with my experiences at the forefront of my mind. After working with the children of your state for over 2 years I know that all children can achieve greatness and that I should expect nothing less from any child. Because of that the children of Oklahoma will be held to equally as high expectations and therefore receive the education they deserve in order to lead prosperous and purposeful lives.

I am invested in your products and tangible items. I illuminate the palates of non-New Mexicans by gifting them with pinon coffee and green chile. I scavenge the grocery isles for New Mexican brands and familiar foods. I represent you in countless ways and am nurtured by your crops. I wear your turquoise, eat your pecans, and sleep under your dream catchers.

I am blessed beyond words and prouder than ever. It's funny how we take for granted what we have until we no longer have it. Everything I think and do is influenced by you and every piece of who I am is a product of thee.

New Mexico Love,


Mi Casa es Su Casa: B's Humble Abode

Come in, stay as long as you want, and enjoy guiltless snooping of my cozy loft.... feel free to wash the dishes for me before you leave [wink].


Tell me darling... what's for supper?

Kick up yer feet & relax.

Dream a little dream...

A lady's guilty pleasure...

down sheets & plush seats,


What in the World?


Oh how I have missed... everything!! Let's make this quick so we can get back to the magic...

I wrapped up my summer in Philadelphia. It was fabulous. Good friends. Good lessons. Good memories.

Of course it was a quick jump into my next endeavor... moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a new job. I got the job a few weeks before my summer role was done. I honestly couldn't have hand-picked a better job for me. I'm sad to no longer be a resident of New Mexico but fortunately I'm not too far away & already have several trips back to the Land of Enchantment planned. I am however, incredibly excited about my new job!

I'm the newest team member to Teach For America Tulsa! As an M,TLD (Manager, Teacher Leadership Development) I get to work with 1st and 2nd year teachers to ensure that they reach the ambitious goals they have set for their students. Most of the teachers I support teach pre-k. Although I'm not physically in the classroom anymore my work is influencing 26 classrooms as I support 26 teachers. It's an integral part of the movement I have been so closely attached to and grounded in. I'm incredibly humbled to continue my involvement with Teach For America and impact a new community which I know will feel like "home" in no time at all.

Moving not only brings a new role but a new abode. I've moved into a dreamy little loft & I am giving another attempt to living alone (tried this in fall of 2009 and it was quite lonely). I've worked my toosh off for about a week making this place cozy & practical and I have lots of pictures to prove for it (hold your horses for another post!). I'm working on a panoramic scan and detailed photos for a future blog, check back lovebirds.

(Mike wasn't given the best explanation for how the iPhone Pocket-Photobooth works...)

A new place brings new amigos & amigas too. I not only met great people in Philadelphia (who I was sad to leave) but have quickly made some great friends here in Tulsa (like Mike from above). I just keep getting blessed with the most incredible spirits in my life. I like to believe that you are what you attract, though I know most of the people I encounter are more of who I strive to be than who I actually am.

What else is great?

The Hipstamatic App for the iPhone- The iPhone camera options & apps are about 89% of the reason why I switched over to the iPhone.

A beautiful blog by non other than a beautiful newlywed (Wedding CheeseCake)- Mrs. Prince (how lucky is she?!) is a fabulous woman with taste that exceeds all of my expectations. I've now added "have a wedding beautiful enough for Wedding CheeseCake" to my bucket-list and will commit to striving for nothing short of.

I'm obsessed with this brilliant 6-drawer chest from IKEA. Could there be any piece of furniture more perfect?

Cleansing away my bad summer habits (daily large caramel latte with sugar & whip?!!) with the Hearbalife 21-Day Cleansing Program. I feel semi-human again.... now I just need to get my paws to a gym.

The decision not to install cable. I thought I needed it, eh, I don't. With the collection of books, music, art supplies, GameBoys & DVDs I have plenty enough to entertain myself with. This will be my 6th year without cable.

My delicious smelling home attributed by my all-time favorite candle ever from Anthropologie. I have a total of 6 around my teeny home (& these candles are massive). Deep breath..... ahh.

Listening to Jewel  0304 it's been so long, I've forgotten how much I love this album. Not having internet & Pandora (or being too lazy to play it from my phone) has forced me to dig up the iTunes archives & I'm quite fond of the results.

Thank you all for being faithful & patient as I transitioned from one endeavor to the next. For some of you this blog has served as a window to the ever-evolving Brittany. Your spirits & energy fuel me. I adore all of you to pieces. Thank you for giving me a reason to be here now.

Cheers to a new chapter and faithful friends who'll join me,


so sad.

Dear beautiful people....

I have no internet yet in my new loft. I only operate on my work internet and at temporary coffee shops. Fingers crossed I get connected this week. I miss Happy Brittany & you fabulous gems.

If you are sad like I am perhaps this may help:

See you soon cha-chas!!

P.S.- Feel free to write a formal complaint to COX of Tulsa. ;)



Packing and moving in a whirlwind. I can't wait to get settle in Tulsa and get back to my poor neglected blog. Eek, I also can't wait to decorate my new loft apartment!!

See y'all in Tulsa!!

too many shoes and not enough boxes...