One bedroom.
Euro style kitchen stove.
Beautiful hardwood floors.
Overstock of cozy blankets.
Lamp lighting.
A fridge that contains: strawberries, Church's chicken leftovers, 2 litter of Pepsi, Flipz, Chai-Latte concentrate, Vitamin D milk and that's it.
No A.C.
Wireless internet (finally).
Grass imitation shower mat.
Gallup landscape out my window.
Memory foam mattress pad.
Limited closet space.
Pleasant aroma due to nightly lighting of candles from Anthrpologie.
Ice cube trays.
Large framed art of Obama.
Silver cake stand filled with Oreos.
Library style collection of DVDs and books.
Adorable kitchen table.
No pet. =(
Art supplies as far as they eye can see.
Pandora "The Weepies" stations on non-stop.
8 "I Spy" books.
Picture frames all over the walls.
My entire jewelry collection beautifully framed in my room (coolest thing ever).
Perfect for Brittany.
....aside from the no pet and no AC.
New teacher orientation next week. Hip hip hooooray! That means that in one week after that the state of New Mexico is giving me 4-year-olds, and I couldn't be more exstatic. Pure joy. More to come when that happens.
Check back as I write in full detail about the craziness that is: Pre-K. Dun, dun, dun!
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