

Nico asked me this question 3 times today: "Ms. Toll, can I have a hug?" Although replace the words "can I" with "caiy" to make it sound more authentic. Then twice he asked me: (once during circle time and once during story time) "Ms. Toll, can I sit by you?" and when I told him "yes just sit right here" he said "No! On your lap Ms. Toll!"

When I was explaining to the class that today was Friday, and that on Monday they would get to learn about a new letter Larry called out "Ms. Toll, you're killing us!" I'm taking their little malleable brains to their max levels and I love it.

Nayeli pointed to the heart on my wrist and asked "Ms. Toll, why did you color on yourself?" I'm so proud of her, she only spoke Spanish when she came into my classroom barely 2 months ago!

Isaiah was at the listening center on Wednesday and somehow the CD player got switched to radio, so he called out to me and said "Woah Ms. Toll, Somebody messed it up. It's on a crazy song!" So I went over and set it back on CD and he told me "I liked it." Wonder what it was....

I'm so excited to dissect pumpkins with the little monsters next week!

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