
Day 0


Day 0, the day before Day 1 of everything MISS USA. Wow. I'm still in utter shock that I'm here & I'm about to do this.

Gallup is 2 hours from the nearest airport, so it made sense that I would drive my little toosh 6 hours up to Vegas and shove as much stuff as possible in my sweet lil' CR-V. Wanna know what I managed to jam in there?...

Oh yea, that's for real. 1 jam-packed rolling rack, 4 large tubs, 2 small tubs, 3 pieces of luggage, 4 tote bags, and 3 train cases. I've got clothes, shoes, pjs, undergarments, medicine (for litterally any and everything!), binders of notes & inspiration, a clothing kit, make-up, hair stuff, beauty products and of course and entire tub of food & snacks. And why are the shelves bare you ask? Great question....

Because LUCKY ME I packed up my fabulous little Gallup apartment and shipped off all of my belongings to Denver to store at my families house. Since I have completed my 2-year-commitment with Teach For America and I am ready to set sail with no limitations. The future is still a mystery, isn't that bloody marvelous?

Ok, back to La La Las Vegas!!! I'm here for so many reasons, and I am so blessed for the opportunity. As I was driving today across Arizona I started to think about all of the people living in the homes, and all of the people shopping at the Wal-Mart I was passing, and all of the people in their cars headed East & West... and as I reflected on all of these people I realized that out of the thousands of people none of them were on their way towards the adventure I was about to partake in. Only 51 women, per year, will ever have an experience like this. I am so humbled by the opportunity. I just can't say it enough.

I wanted to share a few random blurbs from my cross-country (ok, that's a tad dramatic) road trip today with my loving mommy (who decided 2 days ago that she would fly into Albuquerque and drive with me, isn't she the best?!?) then it's off to dreamland for this little New Mexican girl.... tomorrow is a big day.

-I told my mom that my greatest flaw was maybe mild road-rage. She didn't believe me...and then we hit the road and any doubts she had flew out the window. Well you know I just can't help it, some of those semi-truck on I-40 don't make the wisest decisions.
-I played DJ for mom and she commented "boy, you sure do listen to a wide range of music!" not long after that "Wheels on the Bus" came on.Yep, I have Gaga, Bieber, Chesney & Toddler Sings. Teach pre-k much??
-When we pulled up to the hotel and began to unload the man who worked for the hotel complained that I had too much stuff and said to me "Why do you need all of this? You don't need all of this!" but don't worry, a local pimp was nearby to save the day and unload my stuff for me. No, I'm not joking.
-Our hotel room neighbors are doing karaoke, and a few other things that shall remain unnamed since I realize that this is a "family blog."
-Mom was hungry so she ordered a pizza **gasp** CARBS... nah, I'm just kidding, I'm not one of those types.

Tomorrow is going to be AMAZING! I finally get to showcase my state, my personality, and my abilities. Wish me luck, cross your fingers & toes, say a prayer, rub the belly of a Budah... do whatevea ya gotta do, this little New Mexican girl appreciates your support more than you know.

I can't wait to fill you in on all of the juicy gossip tomorrow!!


  1. Good luck at Miss USA Brittany!!!! I'm so excited to hear about your adventures at Miss USA!


  2. Brittany,

    I wish you the best! I hope you take the Miss USA title not only to represent this awesome state with your obvious elegance and class, but also because you seem like the kind of individual who we need more of in the world today. That is: kind-hearted, sincere, and blessed with a very inspiring spirit! Blessings!
    -Celina Ashley

  3. Gooood luck!!! Cheering you on from Costa Rica!!!
