
Stackable Resolutions

2012 I resolve...

It’s none-too-typical that one finalizes their resolutions mid-January. With traveling and readjusting from the holidays I find it much easier to start off on the right foot after I’ve set the foundation to do so. Now that I’m back to the swing of things in my little ole life in Tulsa, Oklahoma I’m finally ready to unleash my resolutions in full force. This year I’m trying a new approach- stackable resolutions

Every year it’s the same song and dance… sometime in late December I sit down with a pad of paper and a pen and write out a long lofty list of resolutions… and then every year in January I am usually so overwhelmed that I can’t even strive to resolve even a handful of them. Well, this year I’m stacking them & making them happen as best I can while making the most of the adventure of learning new skills and enjoying more opportunities. 

Though I’ve only merely read the first chapter of The Happiness Project I was intrigued by the method of the creator. Focus on a new skill or area of growth each month, and let each be mastered before tackling a new one. As one month’s goals are mastered it’s time to move on to the next month, while still maintaining the resolutions from all previous month(s). Sheer Brilliance! So here is what I’ve got in my effort to do things better & make 2012 as exceptional as it’s destined to be….

Each month I’ve picked an area of focus, and then crafted a list of mini-goals within that focus. This way my energy is narrowed into one place and I can truly make the changes I’ve been longing for year after year.
Financial Fusion
  • Create a budget and stick to it
  • Make a plan to be debt free by December
  • Spend only the money I possess, no more credit cards
  • Journal gratitude every night, depend less on materials
  • Give generously
Romance Myself
  • Write my own manifesto/mission statement
  • Figure out what I truly want
  • Journal 3 things about myself that I love every night
  • Plan outfits & wear more colorful lipstick everyday
  • Be content in the approval from myself rather than others
Healthy Habits
  • Eat more fresh fruit & vegetables daily
  • No texting and driving
  • Exercise 6 times a week for 1 hour+
  • Get 7 hours+ of peaceful sleep per night
  • Floss teeth nightly
Create Order
  • Clean out closet & purge all items I haven’t worn in a year
  • Make iTunes playlists that I actually enjoy
  • Write a list of all of my hopes, dreams & ambitions and then prioritize the most important ones
  • Organize all files on all of my computers
Seek Wisdom
  • Read the news for 15 minutes each day
  • Listen to NPR in the car
  • Study something new once a month (prepare for the GRE)
  • Listen to a TED Talk at the start of each week
  • Read at least one book of my choice per month
Love What I Do, Do What I Love
  • Take more risks at work
  • Wake-up every morning energized & inspired by the movement
  • Infuse more of myself into my efforts at work, be more creative with my job
  • Plan a very detailed approach for the 2012-2013 school year
  • Write a vision that I’m utterly passionate about
Live Young
Spirituality of Life, Self & Creation
  • Meditate every morning
  • Live in the present, read Be Here Now
  • Study a new religion, commit to openness & learning
  • Breath more
  • Listen to others, really listen
  • Create & adopt affirmations
Happy Brittany
  • Plan my blogs a week ahead
  • Make a new friend
  • Paint weekly
  • Celebrate my 26th birthday in bliss and pure excitement
  • Plan a trip to somewhere new
  • Create an audacious goal and draft clear & measurable steps towards achieving it
Fear Less & Plan Ahead
  • Decide on and apply to graduate programs I want to pursue
  • Make more choices, be less passive
  • Be open to new and unplanned opportunity, positive thinking
  • Speak up more about what I believe in or think
  • Figure out what my next adventure will be
For the Love of Others
  • Get to know my brothers better
  • Seek to understand the perspective of others, ask questions
  • Reconnect with someone from my past every week
  • Write a card to a friend or loved one every day
  • Smile at strangers 
Awaken Self
  • Reflect on another blessed year
  • Enjoy the company of the ones I love & who love me
  • Plan for 2013
  • Celebrate progress & growth and embrace memories of sweet adventures & happenings from 2012
I know these are quite vague & some are even ambiguous but I plan on drafting an even more in depth plan before each month. At the conclusion of every month my hope is that I can share my experiences (in all of their vulnerability). Things may change, life may reroute, but in any case this is my projected plan. There are also things on these lists that I’m trying to begin already (ehem, no texting & driving) but it is the hope that by the end of their respective month I will be a master of said skill or effort or at least to have learned valuable lessons.

I’m incredibly excited about all of these resolutions and 2012. I've got a really good feeling about this year. 

What are you resolving in 2012?


  1. Good luck! :) mint.com has been really great at helping me get my finances in order!

    I'm doing a 101 in 1001 project from now until 2014 so I have quite a few goals! But I agree, it's going to be a great year! :D

  2. Love the idea of doing month-by-month. My problem is that I am definitely too lofty in what I expect of myself. I wrote similar blog posts with my resolutions if you are interested!



  3. Such a great way to make New Year resolutions manageable! Loved this post and love you! -ginny

  4. Wow! This is certainly ambitious! There's a lot there, but it all sounds absolutely wonderful. I wish you the best of luck with it all and I can't wait to read about all of your adventures.

  5. Brittany, dahling, you are SO, so fabulous. Every time I read a post from you, I walk away inspired & feeling like your positivity and excitement are giving mine a high five.
    I'm SO inspired by this post, especially; these goals are amazing, and I can't wait to see where they take you! I also adore the approach of having "stackable" goals... so amazing! <3!
    Thanks for sharing your sparkly life, doll; from one human sparkler to another, keep going! :D

  6. Ah the wonders of the blogosphere. Im based in the uk and was reading the blog of my friend who runs an ad agency in Shanghai. Amongst the comments I find a reference to someone's room-mate being Miss New Mexico and although I don't believe that's you, googling led me here to this atypical beauty queen as you put it. Love the resolutions but in awe of the planning and dedication.

  7. You are so inspiring! This is such a great way to finally achieve new year's resolutions! It is rare when I discover a blog and just cannot stop reading it. Yours is one of them. I found you through Pie N' The Sky, I just love the way you see life, how positive you are, your quest to better yourself... (this is the 2nd comment in the space of half an hour, haha I'm not a creepy stalker, I promise! I'm just completely inspired!) I'm excited to follow! Take care xx Tania.
