
gratitude, it's in our bones...

 warmth in my heart, a smile on my face, and these are the things I am thankful for...

coconut iced mochas. Friday night movie night watching The Time Traveler's Wife. getting into a warm car. flirting (even just the word makes me blush). committing to a "work free" Saturday. driving through the Oklahoma country. finding a Strabucks gift card in my email. Maile's PB&Js. flipping my bookshelf on it's side, instant apartment makeover. newly acquired tan lines. spicy nacho Doritos. dancing along to 90s music on benches at my favorite Tulsa bar. recoloring my hair brown again. conversations with amazing teachers. cupcakes from Cuppies & Joe in OKC. drinking delicious vegetables & playing with my juicer. following friends on Instagram. Ryan's white bean ragu & jamming out to Motown in his apartment. funny dreams. my new blue lamp. leftover chocolate Easter bunnies. floating down a beautiful Oklahoma river with great people. pink lips & grey nails. revelations about how much I truly love my job. snacking on raspberries. working on projects with Maile. listening to country music. creating my summer bucket list. 2-hour group message conversations about R. Kelly & who-would-be-who in the movie Mean Girls. emails from the universe. being a Libra. 6am runs along the river & admiring the ducks.

could it truly get any better?


  1. Just reading your words makes me happy! So glad you enjoy life.

  2. Love it! :)


